The Center at Montgomery Village
Montgomery Village Baptist Center exists to share Jesus with the South Knoxville community, to a large degree with the residents of Montgomery Village and the surrounding neighborhood. We do this by meeting physical needs (food, clothing, household items) and after-school programs, all as a way to make Jesus known. We also strive to provide opportunities for believers to share their faith in our neighborhood.
Weekly Schedule: Updated 2023
Emergency Food Bags: 1:00-4:00 pm
Bible Study 10:00am
Market 10:30-11:45am
Open Office 1-4pm
Emergency Food: 1-4pm
Bible Study 10:30am
Meal 11am-noon
Emergency Food 1-4pm
Elementary Kid's Bible Study 3-3:45pm (during school year only)
High School Boys Bible Study 4:15-5:30pm
Clothing Room 9:45-11:30am (downstairs)
ESL 9:30am (follows school schedule)
Women's Bible Study 10:30-11:30am
Satellite Sunday School: 9:00-10:00 am
Get Involved at MVBC
We have weekly needs for volunteers in food and clothing distribution.
Our after-school programs are almost exclusively conducted by college students and there are always new opportunities to serve there.
School supply donations are needed and volunteer help appreciated for our Back to School Bash the end of August.
Volunteers can help assist with medical check-ups provided by Wallace Mobile Medical.
We have numerous opportunities for VBS and Backyard Bible Clubs each summer.
And we provide Christmas gifts for 125-150 children each year through Christmas Love Tree, a ministry through which each parent also hears the plan of salvation.
If you are feeling led to come alongside us, please call – (865)577-6244 – or email: We would love to share with you, your small group or your church how you might fulfill God’s mission here in your own community!

Director: Travis Henderson
Phone: 865.577.6244
4601 Joe Lewis Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37920