Disaster Relief
Tennessee Disaster Relief is a cooperative, volunteer ministry of the Tennessee Baptist Convention and its affiliated churches. It is totally dependent upon volunteers who give of their time, energy, talents and finances to assist others in a time of disaster. Working closely with FEMA, the Red Cross and other agencies, TN Disaster Relief is one of the first to respond during a time of crisis. Our Association owns equipment, including a bucket truck and mobile kitchen. We also provide leadership and coordination with our churches and individuals in Knox County who participate in disaster relief.
We Serve Locally : There is great need in our county for disaster response every week of the year. A disaster doesn't have to affect an entire community. If a tree falls on someone's house, that is a disaster for that person at that time! You do not have to have the certification credentials to serve in these circumstances.
We Serve our KCAB Churches : We have helped some of our KCAB churches with steeple repairs and tree cutting, saving them the cost of hiring contractors.
We Serve Globally : With your credentials, you can participate in a national or international call out for disaster response. You can be trained in specialized classes including: chainsaw, flood recovery, mass feeding, shower/laundry response, rebuild, bucket truck or other vehicle operation and other responses
Our Disaster Relief teams are hard at work responding to needs throughout our county and state.
If you want to help, but cannot serve, they would appreciate donations to pay for fuel, equipment and repairs.
To donate to Knox County Disaster Relief ministry send checks payable to:
Knox County Association of Baptists
PO Box 11028 Knoxville, TN 37939
Attn: Disaster Relief
Get Involved!
CONTACT: Stanley Roach, Disaster Relief Director // 865.693.9097 // info@kcab.org