Vacation Bible School
You will gain insight, training and lots of ideas by attending. You can network, share ideas, find a church to partner with for decorations, learn curriculum or brainstorm snack and recreation ideas. Even if you are not using the LifeWay curriculum, you can benefit from this training.
Please check our website calendar for the training date (usually in April)
Available Conferences:
Pastors & Evangelism, Directors, Adults, Babies–Pre-K, Kindergarten, Children I (1st-2nd grade), Children II (3rd-4th grade), VBX (5th-6th grade), Youth, Missions, Snack & Recreation, Music
VBS 2020 Concrete & Cranes
Theme Verse: I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.. Philippians 1:6
Motto: Jesus! Our strong foundation!
Christ Connection: The foundation of the gospel is faith. Jesus lived a perfect life and died the death we deserve. By grace, God saves everyone who trusts in Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Look up—way up. That’s where we’re headed. Where I-beams float effortlessly high overhead, carefully guided into place by powerful machinery. Where steel and glass converge in a colossal design that appears to almost touch the sky. These magnificent structures were elaborately designed and intricately built. Yet they all began the same way—with concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes; and most importantly, a solid foundation. This summer, kids will grab their hard hats and head out to the construction site to discover that skyscrapers aren’t the only things that need a rock solid foundation.
During VBS, kids will discover that Jesus’ love provides a foundation that will last. When the storms of life come, they’ll need the One who will be with them to the end of the age. When anxiety sets in, they’ll need the assurance that true worth comes from being a child of God, not from what other people think about them. When they feel unworthy, they can remember that Jesus loved them enough to die for them. They’ll learn to be wise builders who continue in what they’ve learned and firmly believe. And they will discover that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion. We’re all a work in progress. Life is a hard hat zone. But just wait ‘til you see what God will do!
Will you share your decorations?
If your church has leftover decorations or supplies from your VBS event that you would like to share with another church, we would be happy to connect you with a church who would greatly appreciate it! Just call 865-693-9097.
Bible Drill
Important Dates and Events:
Associational Children’s Bible Drill (grades 4-6) is usually held the second Sunday in April
Associational Youth Bible Drill (grades 7-9) is held the second Tuesday evening in April.
The East/SE Regional Bible Drill for Children & Youth is held two weeks later on Saturday.
Please check our website calendar for specific dates, times and locations
Children’s Bible Fun Field Day is held each year at Carson Springs. Visit for more details.
Begin Bible Drill at your church:
If you have questions or are interested in starting a Bible Drill program at your church, the following leaders will come to your church and train your volunteers:
Yvonne Piercy:
Candy Macon: or 865-938-1163 or 865-803-3174
Bibles Used for drills and information for preparation:
Children’s Drill Bibles: KJV current edition or HCSB 2012 edition only
Youth Drill Bibles: KJV current–1984 or Holman 2004 or 2011Sample
Calls will be available on the TBC website at in mid-January.
In early March you will receive a packet containing certificates, seals, registration cards and associational drills. The list of state drillers is due to Candy Macon in mid April by email ( LifeWay provides a curriculum called Bible Skills, Drills and Thrills! Other Guides and information are available too. Check them out by searching “Bible Drill” on the LifeWay website
Women's Missionary Union & Women on Mission
The WMU and Women on Mission together are a ministry that encourages and helps develop missions education programs in the churches of the Association. Activities and events are scheduled throughout the year to support these groups, to expand their scope of knowledge of Southern Baptist Missions and Missionaries, and to provide fellowship among these women as they serve together in missions support. Our Associational Leadership Team organizes or supports some events throughout the year, which include: Mission Kid Fun Day; and the Annual WMU Get-Together (Women) and Connection (Girls Grades 7-12th) in Gatlinburg each year and the local World Day of Prayer observance in November. You can find the dates and information for these events on the KCAB Calendar on this website.
The Associational WMU also encourages support for the Missionary Kid assigned to the Associational churches by the Tennessee State WMU organization.
Church Support
The Associational WMU Leaders can offer training, encouragement, and resources for missions organizations in our Knox County churches and provide help to incorporate missions education into other developed programs of the church (such as Awana,Team Kid, etc). If a church does not currently have organized missions education programs, the leaders can help get it started.
Missionary Support
Several of our churches and area associations have houses available for temporary missionary housing. For a list of these houses, call the Association office at 865-693-9097. You can also contact the Association office for more information on local missionaries.
Mission Kid Assignment for Knox County
For contact information, call the KCAB office at 865-693-9097
You will find the dates and information about our Associational WMU events on the calendar page of this website.
Events to look for:
March: Mission Kids Fun Day & Week of Prayer for North American Missions
April: Missions Get-Together & Connection in Gatlinburg
August: Leadership Training
November: World Day of Prayer observance & program